Zamira Gibb
University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr Zamira Gibb is a mid-career reproductive biologist with over 100 refereed publications and over $5.8M in grant earnings. Dr Gibb graduated with a PhD in Veterinary Science from the University of Sydney in 2013, after which she commenced her postdoctoral appointment at the University of Newcastle under Laureate Professor John Aitken. Dr Gibb is now the leader of UON’s Priority Research Centre’s Animal Fertility Research Group, where she supervises numerous postgrad and undergraduate students, along with postdocs and research assistants who work on ARC, AgriFutures and Meat and Livestock Australia-funded projects. Dr Gibb is on the executive committees of both the International Symposium for Equine Reproduction, and the Association for Applied Animal Andrology, and her research encompasses a stream of strategically important developments that provide solutions to the challenges faced by livestock breeding industries.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
L-amino acid oxidase activity in stallion sperm: Interplay with aromatic amino acids in cryomedia (#109)
5:15 PM
Christopher G Grupen
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
AICAR improves motility of stallion spermatozoa in vitro (#508)
10:00 AM
Aleona Swegen
Poster Session 2
Fatty acid metabolism contributes to energy production in stallion spermatozoa (#21)
5:30 PM
Aleona Swegen
Poster Session 2-Spermatology
5:15 PM
Benjamin J Curry
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
Aldefluor™: A Novel Assay for Measuring Sperm Function (#127)
5:15 PM
Sarah R Lambourne
Poster Session 1-Spermatology