Morphology of <em>Bos taurus taurus </em>spermatozoa assessed by Harmonic Fourier Descriptors — ASN Events

Morphology of Bos taurus taurus spermatozoa assessed by Harmonic Fourier Descriptors (#132)

Carine Pereira 1 , Ricardo Rosa 1 , José Souza 1 , Graham Horgan 2 , Roberto Braga Júnior 1 , Lucas Silva 1 , João Bosco Barreto Filho 1
  1. UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil
  2. Human Health & Nutrition Biomathematics, Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn Aberdeen, North East, Scotland

Harmonic Fourier descriptors (HFD) have been extensively used in shape analysis and classification and perhaps the most powerful reason to use them is the invariance of harmonic amplitudes [1]. Fertility in the male is determined, among other variables, by evaluation of normal and abnormal morphology of sperm cells. In the bull, it has been previously described that the sperm head shape assessed by HFD was related to fertility [2]. The present work aimed to investigate the relationship between use of light microscopy (LM) sperm morphology evaluation, a routine method widely used in andrology, and the assessment and classification of spermatozoa shape by Fourier descriptors. Semen samples were collected by eletroejaculation from 17 bulls of the Simmental breed and routinely processed. Sperm shape acquisition was performed in 100 cells of each animal, considered to be morphologically normal, using light microscopy (Olympus BX41), a green filter (Olympus IF550) and photographed by a CCD camera (Charge Coupled Detector - SDC-415, Samsung, Japan). The shapes of the spermatozoa heads were detected by means of thresholding and identification of the borders. The borders were then transformed to signals using the angle of each pixel with respect to the previous, and the signal was transformed to the frequency domain by means of the Fourier Transform. Data from 100 replications from each bull were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis, and clustering of first and second components were divided into five classes according to their statistical similarity. It was observed that, on average, 95.00% ± 1.54% of the analyzed spermatozoa, of all the studied bulls, were grouped in the same class, indicating that a high shape similarity was shown by the cells. Results of this work show that LM analysis was reliable and HFD is a potential tool to evaluate sperm cell morphology.

  1. Zahn, C.T., Roskies, R.Z., 1972. Fourier descriptors for plane closed curves. IEEE Transactions on Computers, v. c-21, n. 3, p.269-281.
  2. Ostermeier, C.G., Sargeant, G.A., Yandell, B.S., Parrish, J.J., 2001. Relationship of bull fertility to sperm nuclear shape. Journal of Andrology, v. 22, p. 595-603.