Robert Aitken
University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

John Aitken’s research career began with a PhD in reproductive biology from the University of Cambridge. Following a series of post-doctoral positions at the World Health Organization, Geneva, and the Universities of Edinburgh and Bordeaux, he joined the Medical Research Council’s Reproductive Biology Unit, Edinburgh, to establish a research group in gamete biology with clinical outreach into male infertility. In 1992, John was awarded an Honorary Professorship by the University of Edinburgh and in 1998 received an ScD degree from the University of Cambridge in recognition of his research contributions to gamete biology. In the same year he moved to the University of Newcastle, NSW, as Chair of Biological Sciences and, later, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Development. He is currently Pro Vice Chancellor of the Faculty of Health and Medicine and Laureate Professor of Biological Sciences. John is a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Australian Academy of Science. In 2012 he was named as the New South Wales Scientist-of-the-Year.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Capacitation in the presence of methyl-β-cyclodextrin results in enhanced zona pellucida-binding ability of stallion spermatozoa (#403)
10:00 AM
Elizabeth Bromfield
Poster Session 1
Mutation of phosphorylated serines 124 and 127 in murine Dynein axonemal intermediate chain 1 (Dnai1) does not affect male fertility. (#213)
5:30 PM
Samantha AM Young
Poster Session 2-Spermatology
Regulation of HSPA2 function in human spermatozoa by cytotoxic lipid aldehydes (#28)
11:30 AM
Elizabeth Bromfield
Session 4.2: Molecular mechanisms that regulate sperm function
L-amino acid oxidase activity in stallion sperm: Interplay with aromatic amino acids in cryomedia (#109)
5:15 PM
Christopher G Grupen
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
AICAR improves motility of stallion spermatozoa in vitro (#508)
10:00 AM
Aleona Swegen
Poster Session 2
Fatty acid metabolism contributes to energy production in stallion spermatozoa (#21)
5:30 PM
Aleona Swegen
Poster Session 2-Spermatology
Impact of the chemotherapeutic agents bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin on spermatogenesis, sperm quality and mutation rates in the offspring, using the λ Select-cII mutation detection system (#103)
5:15 PM
Kristen E McEwan
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
Oxidative stress in the male germ line (#105)
5:15 PM
Haley S Connaughton
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
Characterisation of the GTPase dynamin in human spermatozoa (#101)
5:15 PM
Amanda L Anderson
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
A spoon full of sugar makes human sperm go round in an anaerobic way. (#125)
5:15 PM
Sara Fajkovic
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
The impact of systemic oxidative stress on male fertility (#102)
5:15 PM
Barbara Fraser
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
The role of the molecular chaperones in sperm-egg recognition (#25)
10:30 AM
Brett Nixon
Session 4.2: Molecular mechanisms that regulate sperm function
Aldefluor™: A Novel Assay for Measuring Sperm Function (#127)
5:15 PM
Sarah R Lambourne
Poster Session 1-Spermatology
MROH2B (maestro heat-like repeat family member 2B ) is part of a novel complex that undergoes conformational and phosphorylation changes upon capacitation. (#227)
5:30 PM
Shaun D Roman
Poster Session 2-Spermatology
Biobanking spermatozoa to preserve endangered amphibian species (#15)
2:15 PM
J Clulow
Session 3.1: Evolution and conversation of sprematozoa
Proteomic dissection of sperm function (#57)
2:00 PM
John Aitken
Session 8.1: New Technologies for the dissection of sperm function